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illiberality and illiberal meaning
Hint 1.

The Latin prefix il- indicates “not” or “un,” and the word liberality means “the trait of being generous in thinking or behavior.”

Hint 2. Sentence to give context:

“Not only was he stubborn, but excessively so. His illiberality ensured that he would never encounter a perspective with which might disagree.”

What is the best definition of illiberality?


A state of espousing only traditional values


The quality of having conviction or faith


The trait of closed-mindedness or intolerance


A state of resembling members of the horse family

Hint 1.

The Latin prefix il- indicates “not” or “un,” and the word liberality means “the trait of being generous in thinking or behavior.”

Hint 2. Sentence to give context:

“Not only was he stubborn, but excessively so. His illiberality ensured that he would never encounter a perspective with which might disagree.”

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