Hint 1. Sentence to give context:
“He took the surprise party planning a bit too far in his attempts to forestall their early arrival home.”
Hint 2.
The prefix fore- means “ahead of” or “in advance of.” & The word stall means “to delay or put-off.”
Which is the best definition of forestall?
To act in advance to hinder something from happening
To extinguish something or to swiftly put an end to it
To act in a way that is counterproductive or harmful
To show an inability to move or to take action
Hint 1. Sentence to give context:
“He took the surprise party planning a bit too far in his attempts to forestall their early arrival home.”
Hint 2.
The prefix fore- means “ahead of” or “in advance of.” & The word stall means “to delay or put-off.”
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