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Dissonance definition and meaning
Hint 1.

The word dissonance comes from dis- (prefix meaning "apart," "away," or "not") and sonare (a Latin verb meaning "to sound").

Hint 2. Sentence to give context:

The guitar and violin created a jarring dissonance, as their clashing notes filled the room with an uneasy tension that begged for resolution.

What is the best definition of dissonance?


A lack of agreement or harmony between elements, creating tension


Something so hideous it is unbearable to look at


Behavior that is obnoxiously loud and disruptive


A high-pitched sound that causes physical discomfort

Hint 1.

The word dissonance comes from dis- (prefix meaning "apart," "away," or "not") and sonare (a Latin verb meaning "to sound").

Hint 2. Sentence to give context:

The guitar and violin created a jarring dissonance, as their clashing notes filled the room with an uneasy tension that begged for resolution.

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